Tuesday 24 January 2012

We Compare 3 Popular Backup Solutions

Small Business Owners in South Africa really have it tough... not only are we trying to keep our slice of the local market while Mega Organisations take over the world, 1 small town at a time; but we're also juggling our various hats to keep in the game.  One of the hardest things to keep on top of is all the new technology.  Do you feel a little like the "Geek-Talk" is a language that everyone knows except You?

Don't panic!

Look out of your window, breathe in the mountain air, gaze at the Indian ocean, or bask in the...er... mine dump (?) {sorry Gauties... I'm not sure what inspires you in your neck of the woods}... I'm going to make 1 MAJOR PROBLEM on your list disappear.


I've been in the I.T industry for about 11 years now and one issue that pops up over and over is the lack of backed-up data.  I asked a bunch of our clients what systems they're using (if any) and decided to put this comparison together to help you understand why it's time to make a move.

Old School - CD's, DVD's and Flash Drives

If you use any of these 3 products to Backup your data; all I have to say is "Tut-tut-tut!"

CD's and DVD's are extremely old technology.  Beyond that, they're also unreliable!  They require cool, dark, airtight storage and only last about 2 years before the dye on the back starts peeling off.  With the shockingly low 700MB storage space on a CD and 4.2GB on DVD's, that cool, dark place is going to be mighty large to fit in 100 discs or so.

As for the more popular Flash Drive (AKA Memory Stick), preferred for its larger disc-space and smaller packaging; think of this little device as an office HAZARD!  These fickle beasts will spontaneous stock working, even if you've never dropped it, and it spreads more viruses than a rat during the Black Plague!!  

Seriously, I mean it!  Stop using your Flash Disc as a backup device right now!  The data becomes corrupted far too easily and anyone could pick it up and access your confidential information.

New School - External Hard Drives

External Hard Drives can be extremely useful to backup company information, but with the Pros, come the Cons...

Pro: This guy will last you 2-5 years, with most drives carrying a 2-3 year warranty.  You can also get External Hard Drives with anything from 500GB to 3TB of space

Con: Bit of a hefty cash outlay if your business is very small, starting at around R600.  With the floods that occurred in Thailand last year, SA importers have hiked the prices up by around 20-30%

Pro: External Drives won't die as easily as a Flash Drive

Con: If your setup is automatic, you still need to get your data checked by a Pro at least once a month to make sure your data isn't corrupted, no one has changed your settings, and the backup is ACTUALLY running

One more Con: The drive must be plugged into a computer for the backup to run.  This is no 'biggy' as you have loads of other devices plugged into your PC anyway. BUT (and this is a J-Lo sized "BUT"), if your computer is stolen or your office flooded, hit by lightning or other disasters, your backup is going with your computer!!

There is certainly a place for External Hard Drives and I don't recommend that you go and throw yours out.  We have several!  But if you're looking for flexibility and security that will pass all of the tests, it's worth looking into our next option...

The Future is Here - Online Backup

Let me just start by saying that not all Online Backup Solutions are cut from the same cloth.  The one I'll be talking about is Titan Online Backup, brought to you by the fabulous people at Logix Design and Development.  Not only because I AM a fabulous person from Logix, but because we spent a REALLY long time searching for the best product, and that's why you deserve to hear more about it!
Online Backup Systems offer vast space options.  Essentially, you have limitless space at your fingertips.  Choose from 1GB to 100GB Package, or increase it further if you need.  Oh, did I mention that your first Gig is FREE?  You certainly can't use an External Drive for free :)

The most important thing that makes Titan a better option than other backup solutions, and the BEST option over other Online Backup products, is its incredible SECURITY!! 

It uses the same technology as Online Banking (128-bit SSL Security) PLUS your data is encrypted PLUS you choose your own unique Username and Password!  I'll give you an entire section on security features for those who would like more info.

But the best thing about Titan, is YOU can access your information ANYWHERE in the World, at ANY TIME of the day or night!  No I.T people needed to get you to your data.

What a pleasure!!